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The Anatomy of Type: A Graphic Guide to 100 Typefaces

时间:2012-12-11 06:44:00| 新闻|浏览:67|来源:Dexigner|作者:
导语Obsessively organized into 17 group classifications, The Anatomy

Obsessively organized into 17 group classifications, The Anatomy of Type explores 100 typefaces in loving detail, and contains enough information-from the quirky to the factual-to turn anyone into a font geek.

The full character set from each typeface is shown, and the best letters for identification are enlarged and annotated, revealing key features, anatomical details, and the finer, often-overlooked elements of type design.

Ever wonder how Claredon, Didot, and Centaur came to be? Or why Gil Sans proportionally resembles old-style serif faces, despite its inconsistent weight stress? Or who "pirated" the first font?

The Anatomy of Type provides answers to these questions, and so much more-it's a unique and highly practical work of witty reference for font spotters, designers, and everyday users.

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