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YouTube Video Hilariously Parodies Vendor/Client Relationship

时间:2013-04-23 22:44:14| 新闻|浏览:116|来源:The FontFeed|作者:Yves Peters
导语This afternoon Allison Dhondt – sales and customer relations at F

This afternoon Allison Dhondt – sales and customer relations at FontShop BeNeLux, and responsible for their excellent Twitter account – pointed me to a very witty 2009 YouTube video by Scofield Editorial, Inc.. The Vendor Client relationship (in real world situations) takes all too familiar situations from the daily life of graphic designers, web designers, type designers, and by extension most (artistic) professions, transporting them to the restaurant, the DVD store and the hairdresser. By doing so the absurdity of some requests from customers become painfully apparent. With over 2 million views on YouTube in the past four years, Addy awards at the local, regional, and national level, and hundreds of comments, e-mails, phone calls, handshakes, the video seems to have struck a universal truth. Mandatory viewing for students and aspiring designers.

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