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The Grand Budapest Hotel poster and props

时间:2014-06-17 07:19:18| 新闻|浏览:89|来源:Fonts in Use|作者:Andreas Kofler
导语The Grand Budapest Hotel. Film. Directed by Wes Anderson : Fox Se

The Grand Budapest Hotel. Film. Directed by Wes Anderson : Fox Searchlight Pictures, 2014. License: All Rights Reserved.

The Continental Drift, usingBeaufort. Headline usingDIN.

Wes Anderson's The Grand Budapest Hotel is remarkable for numberous reasons, but the use of typefaces may not have been largely discussed yet. While Anderson has made extensive, and nearly exclusive, use of Futura for all of his movie titles and posters until Moonrise Kingdom (where he opted for a custom typeface, designed by Jessica Hische), he has employed Archer for The Grand Budapest Hotel. The countless number of graphic props that were designed by Annie Atkins include packaging, stationery, banknotes, postage stamps, signage, keychains, gates, flags, shopfronts, menus, passports, books and local newspapers:

The Grand Budapest Hotel. Film. Directed by Wes Anderson : Fox Searchlight Pictures, 2014. License: All Rights Reserved.

The Trans-Alpine Yodel, usingOld EnglishandNeue Münchner Fraktur. Headline using a faux-boldedTrajan. The text is set in a Garamond.

The Grand Budapest Hotel. Film. Directed by Wes Anderson : Fox Searchlight Pictures, 2014. License: All Rights Reserved.

The Daily Fact, using a modifiedRussian. Headlines using an outlinedBebasand DIN.

The Grand Budapest Hotel. Film. Directed by Wes Anderson : Fox Searchlight Pictures, 2014. License: All Rights Reserved.

Theatrical release poster, usingArcher.

Source: http://annieatkins.com.The Grand Budapest Hotel. Film. Directed by Wes Anderson : Fox Searchlight Pictures, 2014. License: All Rights Reserved.

Another edition of the Trans-Alpine Yodel, this time following The New York Times' lead withCheltenham.

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