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This Morning's Web Fonts Service Outage

时间:2014-08-19 14:40:01| 新闻|浏览:74|来源:Fonts.com Blog|作者:Matt Brinkerhoff
导语This morning, from approximately 3am to 9am EST, certain Fonts.co

This morning, from approximately 3am to 9am EST, certain Fonts.com Web Fonts customers experienced an outage in service, affecting delivery of Web fonts as well as the Fonts.com site.

The outage was a result of internal server changes, preventing 'fast.fonts.net' from resolving. Users employing the Javascript or CSS implementation method experienced outages as a result.

Changes were made to fix the problem early this morning and by 9am EST we noticed most users had service restored. Due to the fact that these are DNS changes, it may take some users up to 48 hours to see the fix. In addition, users who employ HTTPS may have experienced a slightly longer delay in restoration of service. If you're still experiencing an outage, there are a few workarounds:

If you're using the Javascript or CSS implementation method, changing 'fast.fonts.net' to fast.fonts.com' in the code snippet should resolve the issue. 'fast.fonts.net' will be faster, so you'll want to switch it back in a day or two when the DNS has had time to propagate.All Standard, Pro and Master plans offer self-hosting. Switching to this implementation will resolve any issues you're experiencing related to this issue.

We've enabled additional checks that will catch outages like this in the future, and we've made changes to internal processes to help us respond and recover more quickly. We know that Web font delivery is important to our customers, and we apologize for inconveniences caused as a result.

If you're still having issues, please contact our Support Team.

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