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Symphonium record covers

时间:2015-01-13 21:51:23| 新闻|浏览:171|来源:Fonts in Use|作者:Florian Hardwig
导语Source: https://www.flickr.com.Uploaded to Flickr by Étienne Pouv

Source: https://www.flickr.com.Uploaded to Flickr by Étienne Pouvreau and tagged with "scribe". License: CC BY.

Musique pour rêver. Enchantement des Antilles. Par l'orchestre typique Madianas (Devil Boy et son ensemble). Symphonium nº19

These vintage record covers from French label Symphonium feature a rather obscure script typeface from the 1930s: "Scribeis a 'snapshot' of modern handwriting, captured by Marcel Janco." The informal script was released in 1936, predating the more successful and popular Mistral by 17 years. It is used both for the album titles as well as the label logo.

'MADIANAS' is in another typeface by Deberny & Peignot — either Peignot or Touraine. Latter is a spin-off of Cassandre's seminal design, with more traditional forms for Peignot's capital-like lowercase characters, namely 'aeghmnrstu', provided by Guillermo Mendoza y Almeida. [Musée de l'imprimerie Lyon]

The geometric sans-serif is very likely Europe – that's what Futura was called in France.

Source: http://muzeek.de.License: All Rights Reserved.

Tangos et Paso-Dobles nº1 by Los Ninos Del Puerto Del Mar. Symphonium nº3306

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