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A Tenement Story

时间:2015-02-07 14:51:43| 新闻|浏览:64|来源:Fonts in Use|作者:Stephen Coles
导语Source: http://designarchives.aiga.org.AIGA Design Archives. Lice

Source: http://designarchives.aiga.org.AIGA Design Archives. License: All Rights Reserved.

"The [Lower East Side Tenement Museum] needed a signature publication to be sold in the shop. Originally I'd envisioned a comprehensive historical overview of tenement life. The client pared down the scope and shifted the focus to include museum background material. I then decided to alter column widths and margins in each of the sections to reflect what I saw as differing voices within the text. In keeping with the low budget—and art of widely varying quality—I was drawn to some site photos documenting the dilapidation and the textures of the building in its original state." — Angela Voulangas

Source: http://designarchives.aiga.org.AIGA Design Archives. License: All Rights Reserved.

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