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Mac Web tool Freeway 3.5 released

时间:2002-03-08 12:45:03| 新闻|浏览:115|来源:Digital Arts|作者:
导语SoftPress has announced the release of Freeway 3.5, a new version

SoftPress has announced the release of Freeway 3.5, a new version of their Web-design application designed to work natively on Mac OS X. The new version is available for free download by registered users. Freeway sports a page-&-pasteboard user interface that has been developed to appeal to professionals who are accustomed to QuarkXPress and similar software. The Web design application sports the ability to precisely and accurately position type, graphics and multimedia while producing clean HTML code. Freeway 3.5 also sports improved support for PHP and drag-&-drop functionality, and accepts a wider range of file formats for import (including layered Photoshop, Illustrator 9 and Illustrator 10 files). The new version of Freeway sports "similar functionality" to Freeway 3.1, according to SoftPress, and runs natively both on Mac OS X 10.1.x and Mac OS 9.x. The Mac OS X version sports support for Apple Type Services for Unicode Imaging (ATSUI), which provides what SoftPress calls "high-level typography," while the Web design software's graphics handling has also been improved through the use of a new graphics engine. Freeway 3.5's suggested retail price is £165 plus VAT. Competitive upgrades for owners of qualifying products cost £99, with proof of ownership. SoftPress also offers volume discounts and educational discounts. If you're interested in giving Freeway a try before you buy, you can download a fully functional 30-day trial version from the Web site.

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