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7 Delicious Handmade Fonts from the Macarons Font Family – only $14!

时间:2015-05-13 16:04:38| 新闻|浏览:85|来源:Typography Daily|作者:Mirko
导语If you run a food blog or have a lot of design work centering aro

If you run a food blog or have a lot of design work centering around food-related items, have we got a Mighty Deal you'll want to sink your teeth into! The Macarons Font Family is a professional handmade typeface inspired by the slow food movement. It's fresh, spontaneous and just screaming with unique qualities. Made up of 7 fonts, this family includes catchwords, ornaments, dingbats and over 400 characters and you can get the whole family right now for almost 90% off!

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