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Granada TV title card (1970s, 1980s)

时间:2015-07-26 14:57:24| 新闻|浏览:126|来源:Fonts in Use|作者:Robert Pariseau
导语Source: http://www2.tv-ark.org.uk.TV Ark. License: All Rights Res

Source: http://www2.tv-ark.org.uk.TV Ark. License: All Rights Reserved.

Like your favorite long-running series, production companies and studios have their own title cards and thus their own evolutionary process. Granada is no exception. For example, fans of Coronation Street in the 1970s and 1980s will instantly recognize this iconic simple white-on-blue title card. But they might also have seen it as a "teaser," or something that appeared before the opening sequence … with or without the "Colour Production" byline on this card. The stylized "G" with the upward-pointingMars arrowhas changed very little over the decades. It remains a much-revered symbol in Corrie circles. TV Ark's collection of classic endboards includes a number of other variations.

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