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Monotype releases Creative Companion collection of fonts

时间:2010-03-19 12:55:29| 新闻|浏览:98|来源:Digital Arts|作者:
导语Font library Monotype has launched the Creative Companion Library

Font library Monotype has launched the Creative Companion Library, a collection of 2,433 fonts comprising both old favourites and relatively new faces.

The collection is aimed at giving creative studios a comprehensive range of fonts, all in OpenType format, as a single collection.

"Our latest library allows creative professionals to more easily build on their existing font collection – or start a new one," said Allan Haley, director of words and letters at Monotype Imaging. "The Creative Companion Library is chock full of versatile fonts, including contemporary designs that are on their way to becoming classics."

Typefaces include newer members of well known families, such as the Frutiger Serif and Palatino Sans faces from the Linotype collection, the award-winning Malabar™ font, also from the Linotype library, Soho and Neo Sans designs (both the work of Seb Lester) from the Monotype collection, and the widely used ITC Conduit typeface from the ITC library.

The collection costs $4,999 (about £3,300) for a 10-computer licence, which Monotype says is a significant saving on buying the fonts individually. Fonts can also be bought as standalone faces from Monotype.

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