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Kairos Sans-Building a Typographic Dynasty

时间:2016-03-03 15:28:32| 新闻|浏览:78|来源:Fonts.com Blog|作者:Allan Haley
导语There are typeface families and super families – and then there a

There are typeface families and super families – and then there are typeface dynasties. Terrance Weinzierl is building the latter with his Kairos™ design. His robust slab serif Kairos was announced in August of last year. The fonts in the family span a full palette of weights and widths; including complementary italics and small caps, as well as layering display designs. Just seven months later, Weinzierl's new addition to the family, Kairos Sans, is being made available to graphic and interactive designers.

The new design provides a natural counterpoint to the original slab serif typeface – and stands on its own as a powerful communication tool for everything from two-foot high display copy to the smallest sizes of text content.

"The Kairos Sans family spans a full palette of weights and widths; including complementary italics and small caps, as well as layering display designs."

Kairos Sans is available in the same weight an proportion range as the first design, but Kairos' display fonts have been replaced with four "rough" Kairos Sans designs. These are "distressed" typefaces that bring a hand-made quality to headlines and other large settings.

Like it's older sibling, fonts of Kairos Sans contain a full Latin character set that support most Eastern and Western European languages – in addition to the necessary characters to support Greek and Cyrillic scripts.

The new Kairos Sans designs are available as desktop fonts through Fonts.com, or as Web fonts through our standard and higher Web fonts subscriptions. As an introductory offer, for a limited time you can purchase all 52 styles of the complete family at the discounted price of just $99. Want to take the typeface for a test drive first? Try out the regular weight of Kairos Sans right now for free!

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