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Type terms: the animated typographic cheat sheet

时间:2016-06-02 05:49:42| 新闻|浏览:191|来源:Creative Bloq|作者:Kerrie Hughes
导语Get to grips with typography terminology with Type TermsTypograph

Get to grips with typography terminology with Type Terms

Typography is a complex subject, which even the most experienced creative director can struggle with. There's a lot of, often confusing, terminology to get your head around and remember and, while there's a huge number of typography tutorials and tools to aid you, new online resource

A handy resource, Type Terms was created by Supremo junior designer Dan Heywood. "Before leaving University, I decided to brush up on my typographic terminology and create something that I could reference whenever needed," he explains.

"I wanted to combine typography with web design and create an animated experience that would give me the chance to experiment with SVGs and CSS animations. Once I had the idea nailed down, I realised that Type Terms could help teach new design students typographic terminology. The aim was to create something that would describe each term visually so that even the newest of designers could understand them instantly."

So if you struggle to remember typographic terminology, or just want to refresh your memory, Type Terms is definitely one to bookmark.

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