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Suitcase 8.2 ready to unpack

时间:2000-03-08 12:44:57| 新闻|浏览:158|来源:Digital Arts|作者:
导语Suitcase 8.2 is shipping from Extensis, packing in more font tool

Suitcase 8.2 is shipping from Extensis, packing in more font tools, Mac OS 9 compatability, Suitcase Server with three free connections, and a new version of MenuFonts. MenuFonts has been overhauled to match "modern operating systems" according to Extensis.The three server connections to Suitcase Server is fully functional, says the company, enabling a small workgroup to share project-based typefaces. Extensis says that fonts can also be turned on and off individually, or in sets, and Suitcase 8.2 has the ability to temporarily open fonts when they are dragged onto the Suitcase icon.

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