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Go, Stop, Slow, Eat-How Typography Influences Behavior: Call for Contributions

时间:2010-12-03 15:15:52| 字体排印|浏览:46|来源:Dexigner|作者:Levent Ozler
导语Renowned authors Steven Heller and Mirko Ilic are seeking contrib

Renowned authors Steven Heller and Mirko Ilic are seeking contributions for an upcoming book titled Go, Stop, Slow, Eat: How Typography Influences Behavior from Rockport Publishers.

The thesis, as indicated by the title, is that words set in certain typefaces and composed in certain ways against certain colours and hues have the power to move us, direct us, inspire us and otherwise influence our actions.

The work can be executed in any character, such as Arabic, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, etc. If submitting works done in a non-English language, please also include an accurate translation of what is written on the piece(s).

Deadline for submission is January 21, 2011.

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