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15 examples of good typography in packaging

时间:2010-12-29 06:15:58| 字体排印|浏览:107|来源:Typography Daily|作者:Mirko
导语Staying simple is a good way to create elegant and efficient pack

Staying simple is a good way to create elegant and efficient packaging. These packages use typography as the main visual element and succeed to create great packages.

1. Lintar

2. Jason

3. Adirondack

4. Clif bar

5. The Black Animals

6. Anmob

7. Clearspring

8. Bro Vodka

9. Black Mowler

10. 359

11. Kaffe 1668

12. Lait LAB

13. Hallertau

14. Feez

15. Biscuits & stuff

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