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TypeCon2011: Surge

时间:2011-04-04 16:19:59| 新闻|浏览:190|来源:Dexigner|作者:Levent Ozler
导语TypeCon is an annual conference presented by the non-profit Socie

TypeCon is an annual conference presented by the non-profit Society of Typographic Aficionados (SOTA), an international organization dedicated to the promotion, study, and support of typography and related arts.

TypeCon2011 will take place between July 5-10, 2011, at the Royal Sonesta Hotel, New Orleans.

Topics for presentations at TypeCon cover a broad range of interests, including typography, type design, font production, graphic design, new media, printing history, calligraphy and hand lettering, the book arts, advertising, type in motion, literacy, type sales and marketing, legal issues, type and design education, and other related areas.

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