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Customer Spotlight: Seesmic

时间:2011-05-23 13:05:46| 新闻|浏览:123|来源:Fonts.com Blog|作者:Johnathan Zsittnik
导语Do you find yourself retweeting your own tweets from other Twitte

Do you find yourself retweeting your own tweets from other Twitter accounts, uploading shots of your latest Foursquare finds to your Flickr account or friending your LinkedIn contacts? If your collection of social network accounts is a network in and of itself, you may consider Seesmic – a handy service for managing your presence on the social Web.

With a service aimed at helping companies manage their brand and its many touchpoints, it should be no surprise that Seesmic manages its own brand with precision. The company's dominant logotype is built with the Trade Gothic® Bold typeface. Trade Gothic for headlines and body copy, courtesy of Fonts.com Web Fonts.

Johnathan Zsittnik is the eCommerce Marketing Manager at Monotype Imaging. Johnathan holds both a bachelor's degree in marketing and a master's degree in business administration from Bentley University.

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