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Traveling Abroad

时间:2012-06-15 13:27:22| 新闻|浏览:125|来源:Adobe Blogs|作者:Dr. Ken Lunde
导语I don't travel very often as part of my work at Adobe, but when I

I don't travel very often as part of my work at Adobe, but when I do, it is always to East Asia. (I have never been to Europe.) The last time I traveled as part of my job was two years ago, to attend IRG 34 in Nagaoka, Japan.

This time, I will be traveling to South Korea, to attend AFDKO Workshop on June 25th. The data has been prepared, and my presentation slides are almost done. I am up to 27 slides. Here is my title slide:

I hope that the attendees benefit from the content of my presentation, and the accompanying AFDKO tools demonstration.

Keep your fingers crossed that I don't get lost. ☺

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