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Colloquy: an affective typography system

时间:2012-07-13 07:11:40| 字体排印|浏览:44|来源:Typography Daily|作者:Mirko
导语Colloquy is an experimental typeface designed for more expressive

Colloquy is an experimental typeface designed for more expressive communication. See all the information about it on the official website.

Because of the gridded nature of the typeface as the letterform is distorted and abstracted, it retains it's legibility.

The basic character set for Colloquy has been designed on a strict grid for legibility at small and large sizes as it is consumed on a variety of different screen sizes and devices.

For the slanted version, the code follows two simple rules. Each point on the y-axis stays the same and then the further away a point is vertically from the baseline, the more it shifts in the x-direction.

The endings of each letter can change between flat, rounded, diamond, slab, slab-serif, angled in and out and slanted. The extent of their extrusion is adaptable by code.

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