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DIN for Typographic City Posters

时间:2008-11-20 05:43:23| 新闻|浏览:141|来源:The FontFeed|作者:Chris Hamamoto
导语Show how much you love your city with an Ork Poster, designed by

Show how much you love your city with an Ork Poster, designed by Jenny Beorkrem. With the help of DIN (1451 Engschrift) these clever prints sidestep traditional maps and bring forth top-notch typographic design, simplicity, and a modern edge. Out with small type and in with DIN's strong letter forms and bold personality.

Careful thought has been put into each of these designs. Beorkrem playfully crams and stacks characters of all shapes and sizes into geographic neighborhoods to portray these bustling cities. The San Francisco map can even be made "green" with recycled papers and soy-based inks. Ork posters are one of a kind and you won't find these hiding in a glove compartment.

Priced between $22-$27, the posters and screen prints make a great holiday gift. They are one of the more affordable pieces of wall art available, all while being very unique and eco-friendly.

DIN (1451 Engschrift)


If you like DIN (1451 Engschrift), we recommend you take a look at FF DIN. 1451 Engschrift is a pretty faithful digitization of the original DIN fonts. However, FF DIN is a bit more regularized for modern design, with more weights and widths. FF DIN is also a much larger collection.

See also: Other versions of DIN, Alternatives to DIN

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