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Seb Lester shows off new type work drawing on calligraphy

时间:2012-11-01 13:39:26| 新闻|浏览:114|来源:Digital Arts|作者:Johann Chan
导语Seb Lester established his name as a type designer at Monotoype p

Seb Lester established his name as a type designer at Monotoype producing typefaces for the likes of Dell, Intel the New York Times amongst many others. He made the jump from type design to type illustration with the release of his first print The Pen is mightier than the Sword a few years ago.

The influence of this first work can be seen through reverberations of countless imitations from other designers.

After a turbulent year Seb is back equipped with a new found passion for calligraphy.

His two new pieces of work inspired by literary giants Dylan Thomas and William Shakespeare combine the skill and expertise of the oldest lettering skill to date.

'Designing a card for a good friends 40th birthday.' Seb Lester

'Hangover + remorse + sketchbook =' Seb Lester

Do Not Go Gentle foil blocked in gold. Limited edition of 200:

The Voice of all the Gods screenprinted in Metallic Gold. Limited edition of 100

Prints of the work are from available Seb Lester's Big Cartel page. See more of Seb Lester's work on his website.

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