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字客网>字体>BauhausHeavyITC Regular Version 1.000;PS 001.001;hotconv 1.0.38
+ 关注 BauhausHeavyITC BauhausHeavyITC RegularVersion 1.000;PS 001.001;hotconv 1.0.38
BauhausHeavyITC Regular 字体主要参数
字体家族: BauhausHeavyITC
字体版本: Version 1.000;PS 001.001;hotconv 1.0.38
字符数: 533
字形数: 503
授权方式: 字客网标注的授权方式仅供参考请自行核实,商业使用请自行联系版权方购买商业授权。
BauhausHeavyITC Regular 名称参数
微软 - 英语(美国)
版权信息: Copyright (c) ParaType, Inc., 2004. All rights reserved. Bauhaus is a registered trade mark of International Typeface Corporation.
字体家族名称: BauhausHeavyITC
字体子家族名称: Regular
统一字体标识: 1.000;PARA;BauhausHeavyITC-Regular
字体全名: BauhausHeavyITC Regular
版本: Version 1.000;PS 001.001;hotconv 1.0.38
PostScript名称: BauhausHeavyITC-Regular
商标信息: This software is a property of ParaType. Bauhaus is a registered trade mark of International Typeface Corporation.
制造商信息: ParaType, Inc.
设计师: Tatiana Lyskova,Elvira Slysh.
描述: This typeface was designed for the International Typeface Corporation in 1975 by Edward Benguiat, and Victor Caruso. Inspired by the typefaces of the Bauhaus design school in Dessau, Germany. Based on an alphabet designed in 1925 by Herbert Bayer in which capitals were not used. The ITC version includes capitals and a wide range of weights has been developed. For use in display typography, particularly where an air of the 1920s needs to be invoked. Cyrillic version was developed at ParaType (ParaGraph) in 1994 by Tatiana Lyskova and Elvira Slysh.
供应商网址: http://www.paratype.com
设计师网址: http://www.paratype.com/help/designers/
许可证网址: http://www.paratype.com/help/license/paratype.asp
BauhausHeavyITC Regular 度量参数
每em像素单位: 1000 上标水平字体大小: 650
水平最小值: -407 上标垂直字体大小: 600
垂直最小值: -312 上标水平偏移 0
水平最大值: 1213 上标垂直偏移 75
垂直最大值: 945 下标水平字体大小: 204
Mac风格: 0 下标垂直字体大小: 204
最小可读像素大小: 3 下标水平偏移: 0
字体方向Hint: 2 下标垂直偏移: 286
升部: 700 删除线大小: 50
降部: -218 删除线位置: 250
行间距: 52 字体选择标识: 64
最大步进宽度: 1217 字体排印升部: 700
最小左跨距: -407 字体排印降部: -218
最小右跨距: -213 字体排印行间距: 52
水平最大宽度: 1213 Windows升部: 943
非复合字形最大点: 0 Windows降部: 246
非复合字形最大轮廓: 0 斜角: 0
字重类型: 400 下划线位置: -75
字宽类型: 5 下划线厚度: 50